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River Primary School

River Primary School


Subject Leader - Mrs A Churchill




At River Primary School, Art and Design is viewed as a highly valued, important and integral part of every child’s uniqueness, expression and interpretation of the world around them. Children develop a range of ways in which they can share and express their individual creativity, whilst learning about and making links with a wide spectrum of different types of art in our society. Art and Design contributes to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, evaluation and self-reflection. Additionally, it enables children to develop a natural sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them and fire up their imagination. Learning Art is a fundamental means of personal expression.

Teaching art terminology is an important element of our art curriculum. As they progress through the curriculum, pupils will develop an extended art vocabulary which they will be challenged to use both orally, to discuss their own work and that of artists, and in the written recording of research and ideas in sketch books.


Our Art and Design curriculum helps develop children’s critical abilities and understanding of their own and others’ cultural heritages through studying a diverse range of male and female artists and designers throughout history. This forms the basis of research which children use to inspire designs for their own art and craft work. Learning Art and Design will inspire the next generation of artists, designers, engineers, creators and cultural leaders that are vital to our future. The content of the art curriculum has been selected to give pupils a wide range of experiences in terms of artistic styles, media, artists, cultures and historical periods; and the opportunity to develop key skills in drawing, painting and sculpture. The context for each art topic is inspired by the main history/geography/science topic being studied at the time.  Our locality lends itself to opportunities to access the natural world and our immediate outdoor environment also plays a big part in the teaching of this subject.

Bringing Britto to life in year 1.

Sketchbooks in school. A chance to experiment with skills and explore artists.

Turner Portfolio 2024 This year’s entry is The Tangram Chameleon

What a fantastic farm animal drawing Adam (in year 2)

Here is the seed,

Small and round,

Hidden underneath

The ground.

Here is the shoot,

Tiny and small,


Growing tall.

Here is the sun

Here is the shower

Here are the petals,

Here is the flower.

Temple Ewell daffodil art competition. Just a few of our foundation and key stage 1 entries.

Check out the whole school ‘tangramtastic’ artwork linked to Math’s day. Thank you Mrs Vick we loved The Tangram Cat.

Can you identify all the artists’ names represented on each of the Tangram pieces?
Thank you to all members of staff and children involved to make this stunning piece of collaborative learning such a success. smiley

What a team!

Year 5 dragon art by Spencer. Thank you for sharing in assembly, your artwork is stunning. :)

WE DID IT, our whole school collaborative mosaic is finished. Well done everyone and thank you.

The art club had fun with mosaic tiles. We hope you like our patterns and images.

Thrive inspired artwork

Harley's fantastic Scratch characters.