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River Primary School
In year 2 we are learning to:
*Identify nouns relating these to ‘what’, ‘who’ or ‘where’ words.
*Identify adjectives as ‘what like words’.
*Identify verbs as ‘what doing’ words.
* Convey thoughts or ideas in grammatically accurate sentences including simple compound sentences using the conjunction ‘and’.
*Write a sentence with the subordinating conjunction ‘because’ recognising that it is used in response to ‘why’.
*Write a question sentence.
*Compose meaningful oral and written sentences which explain or describe an experience or class activity, or which tell a short story sequence and convey these in written form.
*Use a capital letter for the personal pronoun I.
*Use capital letters for proper nouns.
*Use capital letters and full stops to demarcate sentences.
*Use question marks to demarcate sentences.