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River Primary School

River Primary School

Universal Free School Meals

Children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Free Meals!


All children in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2, nationally are entitled to a free school meal each day. This is known as the Universal Free School Meal offer, which most parents are very happy to take up for their child.


We believe that the school lunchtime is a great opportunity for all our children to sit down together and enjoy their healthy and tasty meal, while developing their social skills.  We therefore hope that all parents will take up this offer of a free school meal for our infant pupils. When your child starts school, you will be asked for your meal preference. It is as simple as letting us know that you wish to take up the offer!


The school meal service is provided by CH&CO.

CH&CO operate an online ordering system which enable parents and carers to choose the dates they would like their child to have a school dinner, and also the meal required from a selection on menus.