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River Primary School

River Primary School


Guided Reading in Term 3


In guided reading this term, we will be reading the book 'Journey to Jo'burg' by Beverley Naidoo.



Writing in Term 3


In term 3, we will be writing our own Kennings Poems using 'Winter' as our inspiration. We will use our developing knowledge of language to support us in writing powerful riddle poems. 


Then, we will write a Diary Entry, reporting on a day out in a New York. We will use fronted adverbials for time to sequence events. 


After learning about the Cities in North and South America, we will write a non-chronological report to explain some of the key landmarks which can be found in New York. We will use co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions to link information and extend our sentences. 


Finally, we will write our own Voyage stories. We will be focusing on using adventurous vocabulary to support our descriptions as this will help our readers to paint the picture in their minds. 

Reading at River in KS2 for Parents


The document above gives lots of different questions you can ask your children at home when they read with you, this is very important for developing their comprehension skills as well as their word reading skills.


It is really important for children to regularly read their home reading book, returning it to school on the appointed days, so that they can enjoy some of our new school reading books and read a wide genres of texts. 


Reading lots at home also has a really positive impact on the children's writing as hey absorb vocabulary and learn different writing techniques from other authors.  


We encourage the children to read a wide variety of texts both through their reading material at home; visiting local libraries with families or accessing their online resources as well as reading books that are sent home from school.


Use the VIPERS questions at home to help you understand the texts you are reading.

Vocabulary - questions that focus on the meaning of words and understanding why the author has used certain words or phrases.

Infer - questions that focus on using clues from the text to understand character thoughts/feelings/actions and being able to show this evidence.

Predict - questions that focus on understanding what happens next and what role the characters will play in the story. Use evidence from the text to prove your predictions.

Explain - questions that focus on giving a detailed explanation e.g. explaining similarities and differences between events/characters or explaining your opinion about topics.

Retrieve - questions where you can 'grab' the answer from the text.

Summarise - questions that focus ask you to 'sum up' what has happened or putting events in order.


 As well as books from school, you can access some great books in your current book band level at the Oxford Owls Website


Reading activities and games