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River Primary School

River Primary School


Our key text this term will help us to celebrate our differences and share the things that make us unique. 

'Out of the blue' is a heart warming tale celebrating difference and diversity, with a key message that it is good to be yourself. 


We will also be reading a variety of texts for enjoyment as a class team, extending the use of 'Favourite Five' texts as used in different areas of the school.      

We will continue to use Language Through Colour prompts and strategies to support reading comprehension and writing strategies.  During English lessons we will also work on building knowledge and understanding of some of the vocabulary that the children will come across in their topics in their mainstream classes.  We will continue to use the Sound and Meaning Cue Card to support the connections that pupils build about language they are learning.

As well as the reading that we do in English lessons, we aim to ensure that all SRP pupils read daily in school to an SRP adult.  We use these focussed blocks of time to work on phonic sounds and strategies for decoding, as well as on helping the children to build their fluency in reading.  We use VIPERS question stems to structure our questioning.  

Please ensure that you hear your child read regularly at home too, the more practise they get of this tricky skill, the better they will become and the easier they will find it. 

Their other motivation for reading at home, of course, is the earning of Dojos which count towards their personal and mainstream class totals!  

Language Through Colour - prompts to support Home Learning activities