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River Primary School

River Primary School

Eco Team

The children at River Primary School are committed to making a difference to the world we live in.


Children from Year's 1 to 6, are chosen annually to be their class eco representative.  The eco warriors meet once a week where the children are given the chance to share their ideas and discuss how we can be pro-active in making a difference to our school and local environment. The children lead discussions with their own classes and feedback at meetings, as we believe we all have an important part to play. 


The children have designed posters for around the school, to remind us all about the small acts we can do everyday, including recycling, turning off taps, lights and the class whiteboards.


The Great River Clean Up

In July, eco carried out a litter pick at Kearsney Abbey and River recreation ground. In each location, our team collected a black sack of rubbish, from crisp packets and sweet wrappers to tissues and a sock!


Whole School Project

Following the success of the local litter pick, the eco team worked with the ocean ambassadors to bring together Plastic Free July and World Ocean Day. Each class created a fish piece of artwork which came together to display an important message about our world. 




Earth Hour


In March, the eco team delivered an assembly to the whole school to encourage them to take part in the annual event. 

The children discussed ways they could spend just 60 minutes without electricity, including playing games by candlelight or going for a family walk.

Click on the link below to find out more about Earth Hour 2024. 




Earth Hour 2024



In November, the eco team delivered an assembly to the whole school to introduce and explain COP28. They explained what climate change is, and shared a video of some of the increasing natural disasters happening around the world.

They allowed the children to think and discuss how they can make a difference, and contributed ideas such as walking to school, recycling rubbish and buying second hand to reduce all waste.


Eco Warriors & School Council Update


Term 4 saw us continuing to work together to improve the environment around our school. One of our ideas is to have a 'Walking Bus'. Parents would be able  to drop their children at Kearsney Abbey, where they will be escorted to school safely. This would reduce congestion outside our school, reduce air pollution, reduce noise and make it safer for children walking to school. We sent home a Parentmail to find out if parents would be interested in using a 'Walking Bus' and we received a positive response. Watch this space for more news on the 'Walking Bus'. 


Eco Ambassador Training Day


Year 4 & 5 Eco warriors and School Councillors had a very active day at Polo Farm. We learnt about the importance of the three R's - REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE.  Kate - a lady who has swum the English channel, the Bristol channel and the Irish sea talked to us about ocean pollution. We became greenhouse gases in a game to show how they damage our atmosphere and worked as a team to collect as much litter as possible. Our mission in school now is to instigate our School Travel Plan.

Here's what some of the team fund out...


'If you buy a plastic bottle of water from the shop, it's not good because it takes 500 years for the plastic to breakdown. It's better to use a reusable bottle that you can wash and refill.'      Luella


'We learnt about the gases that cows create when they burp - it's called methane. Methane heats up our planet. There's lots of cows on planet earth, because humans eat them. Our population is getting bigger and bigger so we need more cows to eat. More cows equals more methane.'     Rosie May & Beau