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River Primary School

River Primary School

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Each day in our English learning we will explore different elements of spelling, grammar and punctuation. This will include spelling rules from Year 3 and we will revisit our learning from Year 2.


Spelling in Year 3 - Term 6


This term in spelling, we will be looking at the following spelling rules:

  • Words ending -sion

  • Revision of spelling patterns learning in Year 3

  • Assessment of Year 3 spelling patterns


We will also be looking at the following challenge words:

difficult, important, length, perhaps, position, pressure, question, strange, special, purpose


Spelling lists will be sent home each week for children to practice at home. We will be practicing these in school everyday and will earn dojos if we use and spell them correctly in our learning.


Spellings for the week are listed on the Home Learning page of the Year 3 area.


Grammar and Punctuation


This term we will be learning about the following in our writing:



*Can continue to use their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to identify word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning, using this to help them spell words accurately



*Choose and use place or time adverbs to link sentences together.

*Choose and use adverbs of cause to create complex sentences, recognising a comma to mark the clause.

e.g. When she arrived, her mum was furious…



*Independently choose and use the correct tense for writing ensuring tense is maintained throughout and writing is cohesive.

*Independently read through writing to identify and correct mistakes in tense.

*In different forms of non-fiction writing, chn use paragraphs to group related sentences together, generating their own headings and subheadings to aid presentation.

*In fiction writing, organise sentences into paragraphs showing a clear beginning, build up, main action, resolution and ending to a story.



*Independently use punctuation taught so far across a range of writing genres, independently editing for accuracy.

*Punctuate direct speech accurately.



*preposition conjunction word family, prefix, clause, subordinate clause, direct speech, consonant, consonant letter vowel, vowel letter, inverted comma (or speech marks)


How to help at home


Keep an eye out on Spelling Shed for challenges! Spelling Shed should be played daily. Can you get on to your class leader board?


You can practise using all types of punctuation with:


Spelling Shed


As a school we use Spelling Shed to support spelling at home. Your child will have been sent home with their username and password in their home learning books. Spelling Shed has personalised spellings to practise for your child. You can also reach Maths Shed through this link.



In the documents below are common exception words children should be able to read and spell at the end of Year 2  and at the end of Year 4.