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River Primary School
In term 1, we will be exploring...
What can parents do to support learning at home?
As you know, the children have risen to the challenge of improving their times table skills and have been extremely excited to play the Times Tables Rock Stars game online. Competing against the clock to the sound of old-school rock bands such as The Clash and Status Quo, they have to answer as many times table questions as they can in the time limit. The more accurate they are and the quicker they can answer the questions, the better their Rock Star Status, with the ultimate goal of becoming a Rock Hero!
The more they practise, the better they will be become and the more they will earn, meaning that they can customise their avatars with new outfits or the latest high-spec guitar. If you haven't done so already, make sure you ask your child to share this with you at home - the website is compatible with most of your home electronics and your child already has their own personal login.
Other Useful Maths Websites
The websites below may be useful to help you practise and secure some different mathematical concepts. Use the games and information pages to develop your understanding, support your arithmetic skills, or just to have some fun with Maths!