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River Primary School

River Primary School


Parent, Teacher and Friends Association



Our PTFA is a registered charity made up of a committee of volunteers. There are four main positions on the committee:

· Chair – Carly Soutan

· Secretary – Corinne Watson

Each year, there is an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where these positions are voted in and remain in place until the following AGM.

All parents are automatically members of the PTFA – you do not have to join or sign up. Everyone is invited along to the AGM and any PTFA meetings we hold annually – details are sent via email. In accordance with the rules under which the charity exists we have to hold 3 meetings between each AGM.

The PTFA’s main job is to raise funds for the school. Everything that is made by the PTFA is sent back into the school for projects or resources which will further enrich the children’s education.

We are a relatively newly formed committee and so would welcome any new members or any fundraising ideas you may have – so please do get in touch via our email address.

In the last year we have managed to hold several fun events:

· Father Christmas Grotto

· Easter Raffle

· Summer Fete

· Year 6 leavers Disco – we also part funded hoodies for the year 6 pupils as a leaving gift to them

We also helped organise commemorative mugs to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year.

As well as the one-off large events, we also hold more regular events such as own clothes days and uniform sales.

As a charity, we also try and help other causes where we can. In March we donated some socks and gloves that had previously been bought as grotto gifts to the Ukraine.

We couldn’t do all of the above without additional volunteers and we are very pleased to see that more and more parents and carers want to get involved. If you would like to help in any way please do get in touch at

River Primary Parent Teacher and Friends Association charity number: 1136149

Father Christmas visit 2022

PTFA Quiz October 2022

Father Christmas visits River!


The PTFA are delighted to have received funds from the Co-op Community 'Fund for our Forest School Project' as well as recently receiving money for books. 

Every time members shop at the Co-op, 1% of what they spend on selected own-brand products and services goes to the Co-op Local Community Fund. Thank you to the Co-op and every Co-op member who nominated us as their chosen charity – it really does make a difference!



Cheque presentation to PTFA