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River Primary School

River Primary School

Home Learning

Welcome to Cohen and Greenfield home learning tasks


Children will be given a weekly Maths and/or English task to complete. Weekly spellings linked to English are on the web page for children to practise.  As part of  home learning, children need to read their book five times each week to practise their reading skills.  They need to record this in their reading journal to earn dojos! 


In addition, they should choose one homework task from the grid each week. Once the children have completed an activity, they can colour in the piece with the corresponding colour to the column. Please aim to choose a different colour each week to ensure a variety of skills are being practised and applied. The aim is for the children to have completed one homework from each subject area by the end of the term.


All sheets and loose pieces of paper should be stuck into the home learning book.


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Donovan and Miss Downey 


Homework is given out on a Friday and is due back in the following Wednesday.

Term 6 2024 Year 1 home learning grid