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River Primary School
Everyday we will have a spelling lesson, where we will explore some of the year 5 spelling rules. The document below show the spellings we will be focusing on this term.
Each week, the spelling words are added to Spelling Shed. Remember to login and play regularly.
Grammar and Punctuation
To be a fantastic Year 5 writer, we need to ensure our writing is cohesive and try to include:
Use these songs to remind yourself what each SPaG feature is:
Sing with Grammarsaurus - Relative Clauses (Embedded) - YouTube
Sing with Grammarsaurus - Modal Verbs - YouTube
Sing with Grammarsaurus - Adverbs and Adverbials - YouTube
Sing with Grammarsaurus - Fronted Adverbials - YouTube
Sing with Grammarsaurus - Parentheses (Brackets, Dashes and Commas) - YouTube
Statutory words
All year groups in primary schools have a list of statutory words that children should learn to read and spell by the end of their time in that phase. Years 5 and 6 share the list of words that you will find below. Children should be encouraged to find strategies to help them to remember the spellings of these trickier words and would benefit from practising them a few at a time until they are feeling more confident with them, before moving on to the next small group of words.
You may like to explore some of the games and activities here to help with key skills in English:
Subordinating Conjunctions A WhITEBUS song