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River Primary School
Wallace and Gromit PE
Please make sure earrings are taken out on those days, or that your child can remove and replace them independently.
Indoor PE is on a Friday afternoon.
Outdoor PE is on a Wednesday morning.
Year 3 Forest School Dates
Please ensure that your child has the correct gear for Forest School, including welly boots or strong, waterproof shoes such as walking boots.
Term 3 - Monday 20th January 2025
(An email reminder will be sent a few days before each session).
Reading Books
Children should bring their reading books to school each day. They will be given opportunities to change their books and quiz on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If children finish their books on a non-quiz day they should be encouraged to re-read the books to consolidate understanding of what they have been reading.
Our Yoga dates are as follows:
Term 2:
Wednesday 6th November
Wednesday 4th December