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River Primary School

River Primary School

Home Learning

Term 3 Home Learning

English Home Learning



Weekly spellings:




Practise online:

Log into your spelling shed account and play the games you have been set.

You could practise common exception words using the link below:

Little Bird Spelling || Practise spelling Common Exception Words

Maths Home Learning


Key Instant Recall Facts:


Practise online:

  • Log in to TTRS and play Garage
  • Select the 9 or 11 times table on the White Rose One Minute Maths app
  • Log in to Math Shed and select the assignments for the 9 or 11 times table.
  • Learn a Super Movers times table song:

KS2 Maths: The 9 Times Table - BBC Teach KS2 Maths: The 11 Times Table - BBC Teach


Look for patterns - These times tables are full of patterns for your child to find. How many can they spot?

Use your ten times table – Multiply a number by 10 and subtract the original number (e.g. 7 × 10 – 7 = 70 – 7 = 63). What do you notice?

What happens if you add your original number instead? (e.g. 7 × 10 + 7 = 70 + 7 = 77)

What do you already know? – Your child will already know many of these facts from the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times tables. Start by practising these again.

Home Learning Grid


The home learning grid below gives a variety of creative tasks for the children to choose from, which link to their topic for the term. We suggest that children choose one to complete, however should they wish to complete more, we recommend no more than three. These tasks are optional and should be chosen in addition to, not instead of, the English and Maths key learning tasks.


Home learning is due in by the last day of term.